Sunday, September 21, 2014

stage 16: to Tacoma...

 the last stage will be starting soon.

with the ranking number 1 #35 HC from South Africa and his 1924 indian scout. so happy and very proud to see one of the indians perform solidly in the race.

現在1位のチーム35、南アフリカから参戦のHCと彼の1924年のインディアン スカウト。過酷なレースでインディアンが健闘している姿を見れてなぜか誇らしい気持ちになる。
team #16 RR's 1936 indian chief "acceptance".

 チーム16、RRの1936年 インディアン チーフ 「アクセプタンス」

yep, those three are in the same race. our indian does look like a bicycle here :)

CSS and PS

class I

Sunny(standing left of center in the picture) and Rin Tanaka came to cheer us from Japan and Calif.


niimie stirred himself and off to Tacoma. at this moment we all had confidence in our indian, at the same time, we knew that anything could happen to the 99-year old poor lady. shinya and i believed that in any circumstances niimie could manage it with sheer determination.



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