back in normal. i'm going to post non-moving shinya again. no voice, either. please use your own imaginations...hehe oh, and we thank you for all your comments on the video. we are very happy that you liked it. we thank Mr.Hansen and his team for the great job. all right, enough about grammy moment...
filmed by director henrik hansen and his great team members. thank you, guys!! テレビコマーシャルなどを手がけるディレクターのヘンリック・ハンセンさんとその仲間の皆さんによって撮影された、ビデオ。しかし、ハンセンと言えばスタン・ハンセン・・・だよね?
we've got the hd compressed version from henrik. thanks, henrik!! go full screen, if you like... ↓↓↓↓
the amazing automatic oiler works great. feeding oil comes out from the upward fitting (you can barely see it in the movie) when the pump plunger goes down. (pump plunger moves slowly up and down in the little circle)
he said he just wanted the seat for the first one but the condition of the second bike is almost the same as the first one. so, shinya said he will restore the one for me for street ride and restore the other one for off-road / pit bike. yay!!