Sunday, July 31, 2011

almost become habitual...almost...

super early sunday ride...


Saturday, July 30, 2011

the salt ghost...

 W of four aces showed us this bike on the salt flats last year. we couldn't see him racing but now we could see it in the video. amazing story. please check it out if you are interested.

60年代後半にドライレークやボンネビルでランド・スピード・レースをやっていたプリユニットのトラが、再び戻るべき場所に戻ったというドキュメンタリー。そのトラを最終的にボンネビルでレースできるまで戻して実際にレースしているのがfour acesのW達で、去年ボンネビルで実際にこのトラを塩の上で見た時も感動したけど、その経緯やら関わった人々の言葉など、とても貴重なビデオの上映会に行ってきた。あのリターンロードをサポートカーで走ってバイクを迎えに行く気持ちとか、絶好調だったはずなのにスタート前に中々エンジンが掛からないドキドキ感とか、1本走ってダメでピットに戻って直してまた並んで走って、ということの繰り返しな地味だけどエキサイティングなあの気持ち・・・あー早くボンネビル行きたくなってきた!木村氏もこれ観た帰り道、今年は早めに出発する?とか言い出してた。早く着いたって走れないのに!でもその気持ち、分かる!そして今年は、今年こそは出ちゃうんじゃないの?まずは自己記録更新。

from vegas...

 our long time friend and supporter J from vegas stopped by.


it took 3 years for him to build his bike using his spare time all by himself. it's amazing. the bike's looking cool!


erly riser only on weekends...

bought a leather luggage from D of dicE at the motorcycle swap meet in baurbank.


shinya got a wheel and some other stuff from J...


we enjoyed this very mellow saturday swap meet. shinya found this longicorn bug on the sidewalk...


Friday, July 29, 2011

"i saw your ad on the shinya's list, do you still have it?"...

some serious buyer's coming to see shinya's datsun tomorrow so shinya's cleaning and putting some efforts to make it look good.


 might be the last ride...


 here he is, the photographer Z! do you see how serious this buyer is?


 well, he only carried this bag and his Leica dangled from his neck...


and took his bicycle here from his house in buena park! buena park is like 40 min south west from here by a car, using freeways. he left there at 8:30 in the morning, took about 22-mile bike trail + some open road and got to our workshop a little past 1pm. he said he did it because he wanted to drive the datsun back. OMG


 right after he got here, he started to check out the datsun engine. what a tough guy...


 and went for a test ride... 

shinya and Z came back in a little while and found out that there was a small problem in shift change or something. something that you can fix later. but surprisingly Z decided not to take the datsun this time and said he was gonna ride his bike back and will come back another day...OMG!! he was acting like a big baby but his legs were we put him and his bike in our van and took him back to his house.

そして試乗タイム・・・しばらくして戻って来てシフトチェンジのタイミングが合っていないという問題点が浮上。でも全然乗れるし、後で直せばいいよね、ってなると思うでしょ?ところがここで巨匠Zップは驚くべき決断をなさる訳です。「今回はダッツン置いてくよ、今日は自転車で帰って、また来るからさ。」と・・・えーーーーーーっっっ もう勘弁してくだせえ。送るって言っても全然聞かないで自転車で帰るって駄々こねてたけど、何しろ膝の方がガクガクになっちゃって漕げそうもないので、泣く泣く諦めてチャボバンで護送ですよ!小学生じゃないんだからさ!

zap gathered all the parts and built this bicycle. most of the parts were given by someone or found on the giveaway section on the craig's list... he made this bike stand out of yoshimura torque rod...


 extended fender was made out of kitchen cutting board...


 the former owner of this front fender left her name and address in japan on...

anyway, he said he had a so much fun riding this bike all the way from his house to our workshop and found many new things on the way. it wasn't that bad idea after all...



Thursday, July 28, 2011

aerodynamics powwow...

 A-san brought a part of r/c model car and explained to shinya how important this little wing is to make it run straight and fast.


 A-san also brought this matra-simca, le mans winner, model to show the air intakes on it. pretty cool!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

gold beetle...

 entomologist kimura found this wired colored chafer...sorry if you don't like bugs or dirty fingers...


the way the world goes...

shinya worked on the right side yesterday, so he works on the left side today...

 if he finishes the front, he will work on the rear...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

step by step by step by step...

 making a bracket for the front brake
after it settle into shapes, more mechanical work and background work are waiting. it requires a lot of stamina...


 battle lonliness...kidding


Monday, July 25, 2011

the blue-one...

on sunday, somewhere in los angles...a serene early morning.


Friday, July 22, 2011

go away, gappy!

had a gap between the tank and the seat.


