Tuesday, January 31, 2012

exhilarting tuesday ride...

i couldn't ride yesterday because i had a lot of things to do so shinya asked me to go for a ride today. i've still got a lot of things to do but who can resist such an offer on a sunny day like this?


 the road to the lake and to the angel crest highway 2 is not yet opened but we can hike from here to the lake. it's been 10 years since they closed the access to the lake and it's almost there. happy :)


shinya said it was closed yesterday but the crystal lake cafe is open except mondays, guys!




 great tuesday. we love azusa canyon!


Monday, January 30, 2012

w-w-n-w-w monday ride...

 londoner J's evo-rigid


 T and shinya




 heading to azusa canyon


they came back and still hanging around the bikes...


 and goofing around.


 the way to make it through the monday.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

" i wish i were a yamaha"...

T came to change his tyer and the chain.


this is one scary bold tyer!



shinya put  "i wish i were a yamaha" sticker on T's bike. hahaha


Friday, January 27, 2012

"celebrating 6 decades of a hot rodding EYE-con"...

there was a kick-off party at NHRA museum in pomona for the exhibition honoring Dean Moon and the Mooneyes history of 60 years.


 moon trike

suzuki T250 + a rickshaw?

   T and TT, the director of NHRA museum


Shige-san and Chico-san


bikes of the day...

cool, he finally finished it!

bmw R75

 thank you guys for stopping by!

go green...

shinya got this wheel for his GS1000・・・


 from a gentleman who's a road racer and races this honda CB and a guzzi! pretty cool.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

the saga of a non-giver-upper...

thursday swap meet, got some good tools, were greatly pleased, until...


we found out that my 1975 plymouth duster at the parking lot wouldn't start. what a bummer! i mean, we are usually pretty tolerant with old vehicles, but today, we had to meet someone after this, etcetera, etcetera...


hummm, maybe that's it!


then shinya began to walk telling me that he wanted to go to a repair shop near by and get this parts...ok, there were some repair shops not so near but we can walk there. no problem.


in the quest for an ignition module. it had the cheap import one when i got the car and it broke a little after. because i needed it right a way, i again got a cheap import after market one at the local parts store. it broke again and i wanted a good one but i had to order it so i temporarily got a cheap import again. and here we are. thought it was nothing special and wouldn't take much time to find it.

これこれ、このイグニッション・モジュールを探して三千里。 元々安いアフターマーケットが付いていて、すぐに壊れた。で、早急に欲しかったので、近所のパーツ屋さんで再び安物を・・・また壊れる。今度は良いものを買いたかったんだけど、オーダーしなくちゃいけなくて、すぐに必要だし取り合えずアフターマーケットの安物を付けて・・・すっかり忘れていた。よく壊れるものだから、予備をトランクに入れておこうなんて話しながら・・・すっかり忘れていた。Wタナベ氏が新婚旅行でダスター乗り回してた時に予備を持って行っていたから、もしかしてそのまま入れておいてくれたかも!もちろん、そんな気の利いたことをWタナベ氏がするわけない。なんだよ、ばーかばーか、役立たず!ということで、Wタナベ氏のせーでこんなに歩くハメに。責任転嫁じゃないよ、ホントの話。

a guy at the first repair shop said " we carry no parts like dat!" but he said some other guy down the street might have one. "how far?" "not so far!" ok, let's walk!


a guy at the second shop said they didn't carry any car parts that old. he added "nobody has any parts like that in this area, try one in irwindale." wish we could try there but we couldn't walk to irwindale. if we could, we could go back to our workshop on foot, too.


at this moment, i was going more towards calling up AAA but shinya asked me to find some parts shops around the area, so i did. i always respect his never give up spirit very much.

この時点で、トリプルA(JAFみたいなの)を呼ぶ方向に持っていきたい私に対して、最寄のパーツ屋を携帯で探してよ、と木村氏。木村氏の絶対諦めないスピリットに敬意を払って、 トリプルAのことはまだ口に出さないことにしよっと。

of course the nearest parts store who carry what we want was out side the walking distance. well, there were some cabs lining up in front of the swap meet entrance... aye,aye we got on, got the parts, and came back to the swap meet.

もちろん、歩いて行ける範囲にはパーツ屋なんてない。そう言えばスワップミートの入り口の所にタクシーが並んでたけど・・・まさか・・・ね?って、乗ってるし!タクシーに待っていてもらって、パーツ屋さんでパーツ買って、再びスワップミートに戻って来た!ねばあ ぎぶあっぷ

nope, the engine wouldn't start up...


then shinya asked a guy at the parking lot to jump start it...


nope. but i thought shinya gave of his best. so i delicately put my AAA membership card near him.


shinya venting a rage


the guy from the towing company said "what's wrong with it? let me take a look!" you can see shinya looked very irritated. he was mumbling "just tow !"


we made it back home in one piece. we were late for the appointment but had an exciting adventure! after that, i was so exhausted and took a nap. when i woke up, shinya already had my duster fixed. it WAS the ignition module but there was also something else. thank you, shinya! you are the best! never give up!
