Monday, April 30, 2012

take your helmet with you...

taking the amtrak sufliner from fullerton station to old town san diego, about a 2-hour ride.


 passing angel stadium


 san clemente
the surfliner really follows the shoreline so we can see the ocean right in front of us like this.



 solana beach

got off at old town san diego.


♪ ♬♪ ♫ ♪ ♬ ♪♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♬ ♪ ♬♪ ♫ ♪♬ ♫ ♬♪ ♬♪ ♫ ♪ ♬ ♪♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♬ 

our plan was to picked up this beautiful honda CL450 there and rode back, distance of 118 miles by freeway. although the former owner had been taking very good care of this bike, we weren't sure if we could make it all the way by tandem on freeway. so decided to ride some back roads first. we took a first coffee break in less than 10 minuets. then shinya told me that CL450 shows its character at high rpm so we decided to take a freeway to see how it goes.

サーフライナーでサンディエゴに出向き、このhonda CL450をピックアップして乗って帰る、実はこれが我々の小さな冒険計画だったのです。とても大切にされていたCL450、でもいきなり118マイル(約190km)を2ケツでフリーウェイはCLちゃんが気の毒・・・なのでしばらくは下道で進むことに。10分もしない内にコーフィー休憩。先が思いやられますな。すると、「CL450は高回転で初めて力を発揮するんだよなあ」と木村氏。それならフリーウェイに乗って試してみよう!

shinya was right. on a freeway, the CL450 was telling us that she wanted to go more and more. she was claiming that she was honda RC racers' flesh and blood, the ones took over isle of man TT in mid 60s to late 60s. it was just fun and felt good being on her. we went all the way to san clamente from san diego and took a break. shinya and i were praising Soichiro Honda by yelling and chanting his name in unison. thank you, Soichiro Honda! we feel your spirit!

フリーウェイに乗った途端に木村氏が言っていた高回転で発揮、の意味が分かった!CL450は、「まだまだいけるけど、こんなんで大丈夫?」と余裕で乗り手を気遣ってくれる。全然詳しくない私にさえも、CLちゃんが走りたがっているのが自然と伝わってくる。まさに60年代中盤から後半にかけて、マン島TTに新しい風を吹かせたhonda RCレーサーの血筋を主張するかのような走り。(←木村氏談)一挙にサンクレメンテの外れまで着いてしまった!道中、そしてこのガスステーションでの小休憩中も、我々は本田宗一郎シュプレヒコールを叫んだ。凄いよ、ソウイチロウ!ありがとう、ソウイチロウ!貴方のスピリット、しかと受け止めました。

look at this motor! beautiful. beautiful. ravishingly beautiful! i believe that beauty will come after when people create something by their passion and spirit to make good thing. back in those days, the fastest on the street was british 650s. Soichiro Honda seriously tried to beat them by making really good 450. CL450 was the honda's first ever big motorcycle back then. so lucky and happy to be able to feel his spirit still after 40 years. bravo!

このエンジンの造詣。うっとりするほど美しい。ああ、美しい。 ただただ素晴らしいものを本当の本気で作った時、同時に美しさが生まれるのだと思う。逆ではだめで、見た目の美しさだけを追って何かを作っても、それが素晴らしいものになるとは限らない。得てしてならない。当時公道最速は概ね英国製の650が制していた最中に450で挑んだ本田宗一郎氏の本気。ホンダ初のビッグバイク、CL450の素晴らしさを40年経った今でも体感できる喜び。ソウイチロウ・シュプレヒコール、再び。

ahhh beautiful! we started to call it blue-two.

これって、blue-twoに相応しいのではないでしょうか。blue-one, blue-twoときて、3台目は乗り物じゃなくて人になっちゃうことに気がついて大いに盛り上がる。

so, we got too excited and forgot to stop by at the station to pick up the one we took there. we turned around and got back to the fullerton station after all. it was so fun!


a surfliner passes a coaster...

at oceanside station.

passing santa ana station...

we're about to take a surfliner for the first time...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

corsa moto classica 2012...

 at willow springs international raceway

今年も恒例のウィロー・スプリングス・レースウェイで開催されるcorsa moto classicaへ。
#893!! LH was racing his '61 honda CB77! we bumped into many good friends and friends' good friends there.

L1961年のhonda CB77でレースに参加してた!ゼッケンは893、4649、291ネ。他にも久しぶりに再会した人、面白い人、友達に沢山会えた。レース場って程よい緊張感と何とも言えないスリルに包まれていて、好き。その上草レースだと人々や進行がメロウでいい。


 paton and lawton


niimie would be please to see those lil’ hondas if he was here. :)


 the dream team! and a cub.


 shinya tried on the cub! 


 and rode around...


 yamaha TZ

racing machines are too seductive! + the sounds and the smells of oil...ahhh, it evoke a sense of climax.


the dream team had a killer chevy van and a truck!

こちらはサンクラメンテのFナキ氏がニクむであろう、chevyのsportvan。 スポルトヴァンというネーミングも屋根等が錆びているところもFナキ氏に似合いそうだなと勝手に想像。

found a sign saying "feline conservation center" near the raceway on the way back. we were curious so made a turn.


when we got there the feline conservation place was about to close and we ended up with finding several groups of abandoned houses around there. kinda scary.



Friday, April 27, 2012

after some concentrated hours...

 continue from yesterday...

shinya has been back and forth between the welding area and the grinding station... 

just like this...

over and over.

sometimes using the lathe and the bandsaws.

and finally got a time to sit down and sip a can of cola.


 the exhaust pipes are almost done!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

cut, weld, grind, weld, grind, weld...∞

 the moment shinya caught me spying on him. he turned around all of a sudden and freaked me out!
this was like early early thursday morning or i should say wednesday after midnight. shinya was cutting, welding and grinding until dawn.
he got some sleep, started a brand new thursday again. rain had ceased. all 60s and 70s cars here, what a great view.


and weld, grind, weld, grind, weld, grind....till now.


i decide not to tell what he's trying to do until he finishes up. it will be soon :) i just love watching him never gives up on making something until he thinks he has it all.
