Tuesday, May 31, 2011

forever "why not?" spirit...

 T's friend Randy's backyard...


it's still his backyard...full of rare/strange cars and motorcycles. they don't look like it but most of them are in running condition.


shinya, Randy and T. all motorhead/gearhead talking about the crosley.


 CROSLEY a fine car


 Randy, made out of "why not?" spirit. very inspiring person. he said he doesn't want it if somebody already has it. i hear shinya saying same thing all the time.


a chopped charger

Randy has many many chopped cars that ones we usually don't see them chopped. shinya asked him "why did you chop them?" Randy said, "why not?" lovely! there's no rule, you can do whatever you want. i love that spirit. 


 the "Nice Dream" ice cream truck. real one.


Monday, May 30, 2011

our special friend's birthday...

a stormtrooper! the best BD cake ever!

BD party @ super cozy private space with nice and mellow people specially planned by D. that's the best. 


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

supreme masculiniy wiht a touch of refined femininity or maybe other way around...

it's time to show our car club name on the fairing because the spike will go really fast next time...right, shinya? he can even contribute more points to the club, maybe.
say good bye to the free fall system. shinya finally got a fuel pump that he wanted.



Friday, May 27, 2011

the power of designing...

 shinya on the yamaha R6


the guy on the R6 in this picture is Jun Tamura of GK Dynamics. he's the one who actually designed the R6 and the worrier for Yamaha. well, this R6 is the latest model and one of his junior fellows  made some minor changes. "hey, he made the seat little bit higher!" Tamura-san joked.

こちら跨っていらっしゃるのはGK Dynamicsの田村純氏。この方がR6やウォーリアーのオリジナル・デザイナーだなんて、なんか凄い、凄すぎる!このR6は最新モデルで、田村氏の後輩デザイナーによってマイナーチェンジが加えてあるそうです。あれ、ここ変えてある!なんて冗談おっしゃりながらご自分のデザインなさったバイクに跨る田村氏、世界中の沢山の人達が自分のデザインしたバイクに乗っているなんて、一体どんな気持ちなのでしょうか、想像すら出来ません。
shinya was very curious and asked Tamura-san "ok, you did the design and you gave it to other guys to convert it into tangible forms. does it always come out the way you really wanted or the way you actually designed it? both shape-wise and emotion-wise?" maybe the CAD/CAM or 3D CAD or something CADDY computerized systems can make it or shape it perfect but...when you make something you put your heart/soul/passion/feelings etc. to it. so, do all the people who involved in the process understand or feel exact the same way as the designer? that was the question.


 Tamura-san said "oh, i do the clay model myself! i think Yamaha is the only maker where the designers do clay model themselves. it takes approx. 4 months to complete the model but i think it's very very important process for me as a designer to do clay." ah! he also said that he usually works on the design or clay during the night. ah! he was told that "great motorcycles born at night", that's one of the traditions that Yamaha motorcycle design team has. yes, they have history. pretty cool. so, Tamura-san can put all his heart/soul/passion/feelings etc. from his design to the tangible foams and he can do that when he does clay all by himself during the night! 

when Tamura-san went to italy for vacation he saw a guy riding R6 so he took a picture of him and that guy gave Tamura-san thumbs up. of course the guy had no clue that the man who was taking pictures was the designer of the motorcycle that he was riding. but "that was the happiest moment", Tamura-san recalls.



the Yamaha history!

i was wrong about "something old has soul in it but something new doesn't". each product/goods were designed by someone and each of them has its own birth pangs and behind-the-scenes story unless someone just copy or steal the idea or design from someone and produce tons of soulless low quality junk for money.  sure, i sill love old stuff because it has depth and understated subtle taste along with the history. but if someone put their passion and effort to make something, something new, then it will last forever and it will make a history for sure.  i should be more open minded and look beneath the surface of things. otherwise, i will miss the real McCoys!!

ということで、本日学んだこと。古いものにはソウルがあって、新しいものにはない、というのは間違い!誰かのアイディアやデザインをそっくり拝借してお金の為に大量にゴミを生み出している人達はソウルレスだけど、本来それぞれモノにはデザインした人がいて、そのひとつひとつに生みの苦しみや物語がある。私は歴史と共に深みや渋みの出た古いものが好きだし、芸術的にきっちり作られたものよりは決まりのない芸術品を好む傾向がある。でも誰かが情熱や気持ちを込めて何か新しいものを作ったならば好き嫌いは別にして心を打たれるだろうし、そういうものは長く残るんだから、いつしか歴史も刻まれていくでしょう。ま、どっちにも例外があるだろうけど、とにかく表面だけで判断するのは良くない、気をつけよう。 何でも古いから良いという訳でもないし、新しいものは全部カッコ悪いなんて考えの狭いこと言ってるようじゃ(言ってないけど・・・)、本当に素晴らしいものを見逃しちゃうね!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

have a breather...

thinking of you, TP...especially when shinya uses those grinders.


 -- under construction --
gas cap and air breather

ガスキャップとブリーザー が付いた。

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

geek glasses...

 found at a thrift store yesterday.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a seashell...

 "gauge hood"


Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

concorso ferrari on colorado boulevard...

ferraris on colorado boulevard in pasadena on sunday...all the owners drove in their machines, parked on the closed street for several hours, and drove off, except those racing machines. these pretty romantic designs are dream maker which is lacking in those massive production products nowadays, i think.

 the bubble top!

 new & old

BB was the king of supercar when shinya was a child. wasn't his favorite but all boys in japan fell in love with this car in 70's, shinya said.