an electric motorcycle designed by Tim Prentice of motonium design...we had a chance to talk with him. he usually designs regular motorcycles. he said it was a challenge for him to work on this but he was happy that he had a chance to do this. he told us "you feel awkward because you don't hear anything at the beginning but at the high speed you'll hear those wind roar and the tire sounds which you never get to hear when you are on the regular motorcycles." very interesting. it got over 160/mph on the track.
これ、電気オートバイには見えませんけど。デザイナーのTim Prentice氏に会ってお話を聞けた。普段は普通のバイクのデザインをやっているTim氏、やっぱり電気バイクには抵抗があったし、かなり茨の道だったらしい。けど、やってみて良かったって言ってたよ。乗ってみたら楽しいらしい。最初は音がなくて気持ち悪いけど、高速に入ると風の音、それから普通だったら絶対に聞こえないタイヤの音などが聞こえて最初は驚いたけど、やっぱりオートバイに乗っているという気持ちになれるんだって。一度乗ってみたいな。
our SDRC teammate's guzzi was here!
shinya was checking out former motorcycle racer S's yamaha FZR400 in the parking lot.
good bye. ride back to the workshop.
That's interesting, about the sounds of an electric bike. Analogous to flying in a glider plane with no motor noise. My father was a private pilot, who really enjoyed the contrast of flying gliders. Once you cut loose of the tow plane, it was a whole new experience.
any more pics of the fzr?
Hairy Larry: your father's story is very interesting :)
bobx: i'll get some more pics next time.
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