Wednesday, November 30, 2011

say goodbye to banjo...

 this banjo was on shinya's cortina. it was out from old triumph and wasn't perfect fit for the cortina. it looked good, though...

 now shinya found the original cortnia steering wheel. not so stylish as banjo but it looks good and fits perfect.

じゃじゃーん。コルチナのハンドル見っけ! バンジョーみたいにスタイリッシュではないけど、他のコルチナに付いていたものが、再び別のコルチナに取り付けられて生き返るなんてステキじゃありませんか。

 shinya is in a royal mood.



r50us68 said...

Is the Lotus engine from Tony Murphy still going to end up in the Cortina?

白い王冠(逝きかけw) said...

先日のYHRSで久々に木村さんとお会いしました。Tシャツにサインもらっちゃった♥ Zapさんの写真集は早速、新美さんに送ってもらいました。楽しみどすえ。

Anonymous said...

Are you guys on vacation. It is very important to those of us without money or time to be kept informed of the current projects. Without you we have nothing to dream about.

menacing ayu said...

r50us68: sure! it'll be a long-term project, though.


Anonymous: i couldn't post anything because shinya was in yokohama/tokyo for a week. now he's back and i'll start posting as much as i can. tanks :)