Monday, June 10, 2013

after the incomplete combustion...

we had to come here to report the result of the land speed racing to the great mountains. "come here more often and develop mental fortitude!" they said :)


stopped at the view point where we usually pass through.

shinya found a narrow path like an animal trail down a cliff.

somehow we decided to go down...

it was steeper than we thought but we made it! beautiful riffle of the dam lake.


then, we had to climb back the steep cliff before it gets dark.


our knees and thighs started to wobble and finally our motorcycles appeared in front of us!


filled with a feeling of accomplishment. you can tell by this how frustrated we were on the dry lake yesterday that we had to burn our excess energy somewhere somehow :D and i had to kick start my SR with my wobbling leg after this :<
普段なら絶対にこんな崖降りたり登ったりしないはずの木村氏、昨日どれだけ不完全燃焼だったのかが分かる、この達・成・感に満ちた表情。プププ この後足がガクガクにも関わらずキックしなくては帰れないという筆者の苦悩。プププ


Voice of the Wind said...

Frustrations like that happens to all innovators. Senpai will set a record soon. So high that the younger generation will be frustrated in trying to achieving it.

menacing ayu said...

Voice of the Wind: thank you. i think setting record is not the only reason why we race but this whole process both good and bad including the weather altogether makes this land speed racing or any other racing enthralling. we're just enjoying it!

jonathan arrien said...

shinya, for the intake you should use a bellmouth styleair intake. i operate a small shop with a flowbench.
bellmouth style intake flow much better,i think you should try.
i am based in spain, but anyway, i'll be very glad if i can help you with flowbench numbersto achieve your goal.
keep going !