back on the lake bed.
SDRC teammate with his SR/XT racer. he usually doesn't bring any support crew and races alone. how cool is that!
our good friend Miguel Galluzzi and his son T was here to check out the land speed racing.
it's almost his turn.
Ralph is going for another record.
finally it's shinya's turn. however, the throttle cable got cut and he had to go off the course... oh, well. just fix it and go for another pass.
when shinya finished repairing the cable, there was an announcement from the tower saying they were going to close the course after the first round due to the rough course condition. so no more run for shinya. BUMMER!!! but that's the way races are. (even so, i've been watching him preparing and just saw him fixing the cable in the boiling van, couldn't hold back my tears...) shinya said he will be more prepared for the next month ;P
ちょうど木村氏がケーブルを直し終わって次の1走に気合いを入れている頃、タワーからお知らせの放送が。コースのコンディションがあまりにも悪いため全員が1走終わったら本日はコースを閉める、とのこと。つまり、終了・・・がびーん😒 でも、レースってこういうこと。自分の準備不足だから仕方がない、と木村氏。(筆者は木村氏がギリギリまで準備している姿もさっき汗だくでケーブルの修理をしていた姿も見ているので、涙が出てしまった)よし、また来月!
pulled ourselves together and decided to watch and cheer our racing friends to finish their passes.気を取り直して本日まだ走っていない仲間たちを応援しよう。
Stacie B. London and her crew KR, passed the rookie run yesterday and going for a record!
Stacie's Aermacchi 250 SS
F-bomb and his 100cc Yamaha YL1.
go F-bomb!
we call him Mr. Inventor :D
go Stacie go!
see you everyone next month!
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