Monday, May 3, 2010

canyon wind...

were just riding the canyon right behind us.
took different route.
although we've never been in the Isle of Man,
felt like were in Isle of Man...
aloof from the affairs of the world,
just for an hour or so...



Chris Saddler Sam said...

ooooh yes...
isle of man!

someday soon...
i'll be there, with my ride!


JetMoto46 said...

It's one of those things that only motorcyclists enjoy: Once we put on that helmet, everything else fades away even just for a few moments. No bills, no mortgage, no distractions from work or life. Just you and the road. It's our "escape".

menacing ayu said...

SakeRacer: we'll be there, too, someday...

Jet: exactly. always feel like i become a bird or something when i ride.