Wednesday, September 22, 2010

stage 12 completed!

yes, we are back!

it rained so hard and the riders had to use the interstate 40 for the first time. some guys can go 55mph but some have to go 40mph or less on a freeway in the rain. and, oh, those semi trucks passing by going 75mph! very scary. but shinya made it, so it's all good :)

ステージ12完走です!大雨の中、高速道路もありの中、木村氏健闘いたしました! 雨のフリーウェイを40マイルで走っている横を大型トレーラーが75マイルで水しぶきを上げて通りすぎて行く・・・なんちゅうレースなんざんしょ。

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Chris Saddler Sam said...

poor man...
he looks soooo tired!


well done!
i'm so glad u r back on the road!


Paul Jamiol said...

You guys are amazing...go Team Chabott!

t said...

hope you can rest for a night now.

Beer, Bait and Ammo said...

I'm so glad that you guys are back in it. Shinya and team Chabott rule!

Duane Ballard said...

How is the bike doing now?