Saturday, September 10, 2011

saw lots of old japanese cars on freeways...

there were  many classic cars at the parking lot, too. datsun B110 sedan and coupe.

会場のパーキングにもいっぱい旧い車があった。このダッツンB110のセダンとクーペはfor saleだったよ。

 datsun B110, same as shinya's!





Hamamatsu1978 said...

Wow, the Datsun design of the
70s is just stunning. After all these years they turn out to be
as cool as the small british & euro Fords or the Fiat 128. The Toyota Celica TA23/28/RA28 is the only japanese car of the 70s with a significant number of survivors in
EU. Anyway, nice pics!

menacing ayu said...

Hamamatsu1978: thanks!