Sunday, September 21, 2014

day 16: the end of the journey...

for the first time in a month, shinya sleeping peacefully without any worries.


niimie couldn't even make it to the bed...


the cannonball farewell party


after the dinner, all the top 3 finishers in each class were announced and only one champion was awarded. and then host Paul d'Orleans announced out of the blue that there is a "spirit of the cannonball award" and called our names. what a surprise! we still think it's for all the cannonballers who participated in this crazy race but team 80 received it on behalf of the group just because we were the only team who entered all three of the cannonball on the same 1915 indian :)


all cannonballers are signing their names on the panorama photo at taken by Michael Lichter at the start.

photo by Michael Lichter                

it means a lot when we get warm congratulatory messages from our fellow cannonballers who experienced this unbelievably tough but fun endurance race together. 

we thank you all who have been following our incident-filled journey on this blog and instagram especially our clients who have been patiently waiting for their projects to be finished or started.

thank you Dehen, Wesco and Cycleman who provided us these cool team sweaters and racing boots. without them we would be just three stinky dirty wiredos. 

and team Toyooka! the parts made by you guys all survived and did a great job to keep our 99-year old indian running through 3,714 miles. thank you all so very much!



素敵で快適なチームセーターとブーツを作ってくださった日米のDehen, WescoそしてCyclemanの皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。馬子にも衣装とはこのことで、お陰さまで最もファッショナブルなチームだと 色々な所で褒めてもらい、どんなに汚れていても入店拒否などされることなくアメリカを横断できました。


photo by Sunny Okamoto                

and thank you team 80 and THE indian!! things we experienced here were too hard to put in words but at least i have lifelong super teammates to share these unique and most incredible memories.



Mac Guy said...

You guys are amazing!!! Cool photo of you three :-) Congrats to you!

Mac Guy

Fumi said...


Rensomatic said...

Thanks for all the updates, I read them every morning and had a great time following you on this trip. And, finally, in the very last picture, we get to see the photographer! Great job.
Thank you, from Rotterdam, NL.

Unknown said...

Respect to all of you! Thanks so much for blogging it so well :)

vincent prat said...

love your smiles !

matthias said...

Wonderful picture of you three... great!

Well done,
