Friday, October 25, 2013

boundless enthusiasm...

when we came back from the airport, niimie and Wata was having fun at #7. niimie was straightening the handlebar for his XS650. remember? someone slammed his XS on the ground so hard at the bf5 parking lot :<

and then niimie became caught up in working on his VISION.


 shinya is back to knuckle project. piston fitting.


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when i looked away for a second, shinya started to make something.


it says "i like your bike", a little something from shinya for the Deus Boundless Enthusiasm Bike Build Off tomorrow. he says he's not good at judging and not a fan of ranking other people's work but he felt empathy for the concept of this build off and will do his best as a judge tomorrow. and aside from that(unofficially), he wants to give this to someone who genuinely loves his/her bike and is enjoying his/her life with it.



Pirate Tom said...

That last paragraph, is the best way to judge a bike :)

junkmotor said...

私が数年前に造ったアルミキャストのシートを試して頂きありがとうございます。今観るとひどい出来映えで恥ずかしい限りです、Tバーの部分がポッキリ折れそうです、涙、涙の連絡船 。