he temporarily spray painted it just to see how it looks like. now he decided to go with black, he's going to powder coat them. 黒に決定。黒くしたらどうなるか見るために仮に缶スプレーしただけだったので、これからちゃんとパウダーコートに出す。
shinya brought all the parts to our local powder coating place himself but he didn't come back for a long time. and then i got a call from them (shinya doesn't use cell phone) that our van was acting up and shinya was stuck there. パウダーコートしたい部品を近所のパウダーコート屋に出しに行ってくると出かけた木村氏。なかなか戻ってこない。しばらくしたらパウダーコート屋から電話があり(木村氏は携帯電話を使っていない)チャボバンが動かなくなって木村氏がバンに潜っていると連絡が来る。なるほど!
he couldn't fix it there so i grabbed a towing strap and rushed there with my Plymouth duster :D その場ではどうにもなりそうにないようなので、牽引用のロープ持ってダスターでお迎えに上がる。
our trusted powder coating master D helped us. such a nice guy.
back to our workshop and shinya started to fix the problem including changing the starter motor.
good friend of ours and great photographer from Japan Takao Isobe stopped by with Inu Chopper T-san. 大好きな写真家Iソベ氏がニアミスでなかなかお会いできなかったInu ChopperことTシロ氏と一緒に寄ってくれた。
Isobe-san is a very mellow easygoing guy but once he looks into his viewfinder, he becomes a different person.
although we'd been interested in him the whole time and have mutual friends and all, this was our first time meeting T-san (inu chopper) in person. ずっと気になる存在だったし、接点がなかったわけでもないし、実は共通の知り合いがいたりもするのになかなか実際にお会いできていなかったTシロ氏。ついにご対面。が・・・
however, T-san said something that he shouldn't have and made shinya angry that T-san had to kneel down on the ground T_T いきなりNGワードを口走ってしまったinu chopper Tシロ氏、木村氏を怒らせまさかのド・ゲ・ザ!
not! it looked like he was so i decided to capture the moment :D we all had a great time. too bad the canyon was still closed due to the last week's brush fire so we couldn't take them for a ride. well, next time!
another great photographer and a treasured friend Michael Lichter from Colorado brought his longtime friend Keith Ball, former Easyriders Magazine editor, to our workshop. これまた大切な友人の写真家 MイケルLクター氏が長年の友達KースBール氏(元・雑誌イージーライダー編集長)を連れて寄ってくれた。もはや名前を伏字にする意味はなくなっている・・・
enjoyed Keith's crazy stories so much. we got to visit his place soon.
here's Kiyo and his new build CB1620 Gekko. we were so happy because we really wanted to see this in person. it has already won builder's choice award yesterday :) well deserved.
Go and Kiyo, they built their bikes to race. see the video of Go riding this Indian after BF. it tells all. same as Kiyo. he's going to bring his CB1620 on the dry lake and race it for the speed trial. they built their bikes for speed. that sway us emotionally.
tank art by Gen Love Ear Art (who painted Kiyo's CB1620) this photo doesn't do justice. you gotta see it in person.
Love Ear Art のGン氏の作品。これは筆者の写真じゃ魅力を伝えきれないや・・・実物を見るのをお勧めします。
woo hoo! Kiyo's gonna start up the Gekko! やったー!Kヨナガ氏がエンジン掛けてくれるって!
what a sound! goose-bumpy. shinya said just hearing the sound somehow sparks a drive to work harder :P
humble and talented couple Kiyo and Kat. Congrats!! just like Arlen Ness' bikes from 70s, this bike will live for decades and will keep future people amused and surprised like we do now.